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Brock Industrial Services Team Utilizes Tablets To Streamline Scaffold Administration

Brock is continuing its effort to digitally transform the company by digitizing its pen and paper processes. The first step in the digital transformation is utilizing smart devices (tablets) to collect piece counts for scaffold inventory management and sending the data to the administrator to “ship”, or sync, to the scaffold inventory software. On a current customer site, the traditional pen and paper method, was collected in the field, carried to the administration at lunch or the end of the day, then keyed into the system manually. With difficulties in reading the hand written documents, coupled with other duties required of the admin, the scaffold tag information would not actually be keyed into the software for 20-25 days. When utilizing the tablets, the data collection time to collect and enter data, the cycle time, has been cut to 1-2 days. As a result, scaffold inventory planning is much more accurate due to up to date and accurate information.

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